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现任深圳职业技术大学-霍夫曼先进材料研究院副研究员。深圳市海外高层次“孔雀计划”C类人才。于2012年、2018在华东理工大学获得学士与博士学位 (导师:龙亿涛教授)。攻读博士期间,先后在上海科技大学-宁志军教授课题组、波士顿学院-Frank Tsung教授课题组与加州大学伯克利分校-杨培东教授课题组进行博士联合培养;2018-2020年在罗格斯大学-李静教授课题组进行博士后研究工作。发表学术论文50余篇,其中第一作者或是通讯作者发表学术论文40余篇,包括 J. Am. Chem. Soc. (3篇), Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (5篇)Adv. Mater, Chem. Sci., Nano Lett., ACS Energy Lett.等国际顶尖期刊。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金,广东省自然科学基金青年项目与面上项目,深圳市科创委博士启动项目与稳定支持项目。主要研究方向为晶态多孔发光材料的设计、合成及其应用。


20. C.-Q. Han, Z.-Y. Wang, S. Sun, J.-X. Guo, X. Huang, X.-Y. Liu*. Linker Length Engineering toward Enhanced Photocatalytic Aerobic Oxidation in Benzothiadiazole-Based Covalent Organic Frameworks, ACS Materials Letters, 2025, 7, 393-400.

19. C.-Q. Han, X.-Y. Liu*. Emission library and applications of 2,1,3-benzothiadiazole and its derivative-based luminescent metal-organic frameworks, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2025, 64, e202416286.

18. P.-H. Fang, L.-L. Qu, Z.-S. Ma, C.-Q. Han, Z. Li, L. Wang, K. Zhou, J. Li, X.-Y. Liu*. Full-color emissive zirconium-organic frameworks constructed via in situ "one-pot" single-site modification for tryptophan detection and energy transfer, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2025, 64, e202414026. 

17. C.-Q. Han, J.-X. Guo, S. Sun, Z.-Y. Wang, L. Wang, X.-Y. Liu*. Impact of imine bond orientations and acceptor groups on photocatalytic hydrogen generation of donor-acceptor covalent organic frameworks, Small, 2024, 2405887.

16. P.-H. Fang, K. Xing, L.-L. Qu, Z.-S. Ma, K. Zhou, X.-Y. Liu*. Reticular chemistry and in situ "one-pot" strategy: a dream combination to construct metal-organic frameworks, Small, 2024, 2405540.

15. C.-Q. Han, L. Wang, J. Si, K. Zhou, X.-Y. Liu*. Reticular chemistry directed "one-pot" strategy to in situ construct organic linkers and zirconium-organic frameworks, Small, 2024, 2402263.

14. T. Peng, C.-Q. Han, K. Zhou, L. Wang, G. Xu, K. Zhou, X.-Y. Liu*. Zirconium-pentacarboxylate frameworks with coexisted 4- and 9-connected Zr6 cluster for detection and removal of tetracycline hydrochloride, Advanced Optical Materials, 2024, 12, 2303277.

13. T. Peng, C.-Q. Han, H.-L. Xia, K. Zhou, J. Zhang, J. Si, L. Wang, J. Miao, F.-A. Guo, H. Wang, L.-L. Qu, G. Xu*, J. Li*, X.-Y. Liu*. Retcicular chemistry guided precise construction of zirconium-pentracarboxylate frameworks with 5-connected Zr6 clusters, Chemical Science, 2024, 15, 3174-3181. 

12. H.-L. Xia, J. Zhang, J. Si, H. Wang, K. Zhou, L. Wang, J. Li, W. Sun, L.-L. Qu,* J. Li*, X.-Y. Liu*. Size- and emission-controlled synthesis of full-color luminescent metal-organic frameworks for tryptophan detection, Angewandte Chemie International Edition,  2023, 62, e202308506.

11. J. Si, H.-L. Xia, K. Zhou, J. Li, J. Miao, J. Zhang, H. Wang, L.-L. Qu,* X.-Y. Liu*, J. Li*. Reticular chemistry with art: a case study of Olympic Rings-inspired metal-organic frameworks, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2022, 144, 22170-22177.

10. H.-L. Xia, K. Zhou, J. Guo, J. Zhang, X. Huang, D. Luo, X.-Y. Liu*, J. Li*. Amino group induced structural diversity and near-infrared emission of yttrium-tetracarboxylate frameworks, Chemical Science, 2022, 13, 9321-9328.

9. H.-L. Xia, K. Zhou, S. Wu, D. Ren, K. Xing, J. Guo, X. Wang, X.-Y. Liu*, J. Li*. Building an emission library of donor-acceptor-donor type linker-based luminescent metal-organic frameworks, Chemical Science, 2022, 13, 8036-8044.

8. D. Ren, H.-L. Xia, K. Zhou, S. Wu, X.-Y. Liu*, X. Wang, J. Li*. Tuning and directing energy transfer in the whole visible spectrum through linker installation, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2021, 60, 25048-25054.  

7. S. Wu, D. Ren, K. Zhou, H.-L. Xia, X.-Y. Liu*, X. Wang, J. Li*. Linker engineering toward full-color emission of UiO-68 type metal-organic framework, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2021, 43, 10547-10552.

6. X.-Y. Liu, W. P. Lusting, J. Li*. Functionalizing luminescent metal-organic framework for enhanced photoluminescence. ACS Energy Letters2020, 5, 8, 2671-2680.

5. X.-Y. Liu, W.-S. Lo, C. Wu, B. P. Williams, L. Luo, Y. Li, L.-Y. Chou, Y. Lee, C.-K. Tsung*. Tuning metal-organic framework nanocrystal shape through Facet-dependent coordination. Nano Letters2020, 20, 3, 1774-1780.

4. X.-Y. Liu, K. Xing, Y. Li, C.-K. Tsung* and J. Li*. Three models to encapsulate multi-component dyes into nanocrystal pores: a new strategy for generating high quality white light. Journal of the American Chemical Society2019, 141, 37, 14807-14813.

3. X.-Y. Liu, F. Zhang, T.-W. Goh, Y. Li, Y.-C. Shao, L. Luo, W. Huang, Y.-T. Long, L.-Y. Chou, C.-K. Tsung*. Using a multi-shelled hollow metal-organic framework as a host to switch the guest-to-host and guest-to-guest interactions. Angewandte Chemie International Edition2018, 57, 2110-2114.

2. X.-Y. Liu, G. Zhang, H. Chen, H.-W. Li, J. Jiang, Y.-T. Long, Z. Ning*. Defect-controlled efficient photocatalytic hydrogen generation based on near-infrared Cu-In-Zn-S quantum dots. Nano Research2018, 11 (3), 1379-1388.

1. X.-Y. Liu, H. Chen, R. Wang, Y. Shang, Q. Zhang, W. Li, G. Zhang, J. Su, C. T. Dinh, F.P.G. de Arquer, J. Li, J. Jiang, Q. Mi, R. Si, X. Li, Y. Sun, Y.-T. Long, H. Tian, E. H. Sargent, Z. Ning*. 0D-2D quantum dot:metal dichalcogenide nanocomposite photocatalyst achieves efficient hydrogen generation. Advanced Materials2017, 29, 1605646.